Sunday, January 20, 2013


Clomiphene citrate and testosterone gel replacement therapy for male hypogonadism: efficacy and treatment cost. In J Sex Med. 2010 Jan;7(1 Pt 1):269-76. Epub 2009 Aug 17.

Clomid (oral clomiphene citrate/CC) represents a viable treatment option for men with hypogonadism (defined as testosterone < 300 ng/mL) demonstrating biochemical and clinical efficacy with no side effects and lower cost as compared with TGRT. Male hypogonadism results from a decline in serum testosterone levels and is associated with a constellation of symptoms including decrease in libido, lack of energy, easy fatigability, decrease in strength, loss of vertical height, decrease in enjoyment of life, diminished mood, and decreased potency.
A hundred and four men taking either CC or TGRT (using Androgel) with complete follow-up data were identified. Of these, 65 were taking CC, with dosage initiation at 50 mg orally every other day. The dosage was titrated either down to 25 mg orally every other day or up to 100 mg every other day.

Other Studies:
Urol. 2012 Jul-Aug;38(4):512-8.
Twenty-five milligrams of clomiphene citrate presents positive effect on treatment of male testosterone deficiency - a prospective study.

Extract from study:
Each patient was treated with a daily dose of 25 mg clomiphene citrate, followed up after 3 months. No serious adverse events were recorded during the study period. We used a low oral daily dose of clomiphene citrate (25mg) in 125 men with a mean age of 62 years. All patients had low normal or below normal T levels and all of them complained about decrease or loss of libido. They were enrolled and followed prospectively. Post-treatment T levels increased by a mean of 115%. Both objective and subjective responses were more impressive in younger patients.


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